Friday, August 24, 2012

just me, GIAN MARIEL and i

Since I'm new to this blogging world, I want to start of my blog with a little introduction of myself. You might not feel interested but (whether you like it or not, you will like it) still I want you to know me since there's really none who knows the real me.

The real Gian loves to be under the spotlight. I want to be the center of attention not the center of humiliation for the reason that I'm strong and not because I'm weak. I don't want people pointing out my flaws moreover I am not that narrow-minded person. If you have the guts and can frankly tell it to me in an assertive or constructive manner, of course I would accept it and who knows, I might change. I'm just stubborn and not a hypocrite (both, SOMETIMES).

 I have more ups and downs than usual people I know. When little things get to my nerves, I get frustrated too quickly especially when I'm not in the mood. Normally, I get to get over things easily but not with skin-deep stuffs. They take me days, actually. Consequently, I hate when my carefully made plans are to be changed just because of others. The fact that I exerted effort, time and probably money, I should be given a good reason why I should change it or else I would not! (Oh! I got attitude prob. Who doesn't?) That is the reason why I'm better alone when doing schoolwork. I don't have to ask for others opinion and if something went wrong, I've got no one to blame but myself. Right?

Anyways, if things went wrong I always make sure that I have my ME TIME. And part of that me time is daydreaming, reading, listening to music, eating and thinking about random things. My me time prevents me from my 'oh-so-lost-moments' and allows me to explore things about me.

 My close friends know that I am a music lover and a frustrated singer. Also, I can play the lyre. I am trying (and still trying) to learn playing the guitar but I have really short attention span and usually I get so impatient and fidgety. Those are only few of my negative traits (admitted, I have many but at least I'm trying to work it out).

 Paris said that There's nothing wrong with wanting the best of both worlds. Yeah, agree. I can be very organize and at the same time unorganize. It doesn't usually bother me when my workplace is messy. Conventional and unconventional are also my traits. Really, I hate changes but if it would do good to me, why not? I am a chronic worrier. I get too paranoid everytime I arrive home and find out that my father is not yet home. These days, inside the house is probably the safest place in town (but not really! Gosh, what if maybe those bad guys would sneak out to your house while you are sleeping soundly? I don't want to think of the next).

At times I tend to be indecisive and dependent. I, usually, depend on my friends and my family when it comes to food I will eat, the clothes I will wear and buy. I do not like being highly dependent with others in terms of those things but what I feel when I'm not with them is like a phone without battery. However, I am doing my best to stand on my own feet anyways, it's not hard to do.

I fit in with some groups in our school but surprisingly I am not that friendly. If you would ask people about their first impression on me, there will always be answers such as mean, obnoxious, hard to be friends with and even bitch (I'm kinda bitch sometimes, and mean and obnoxious and hard to be friends with). I tend to be reserved and cautious about making friends with new people that is why I stick with my friends and classmates. Occasionally, you may find me talking to others but not really trusting.

I'm sort of a loner and a homebody. I spend most of my time watching television (probably, til the rest of my life). I watch random movies and TV programs. Aside from good movies and programs, I'm also into good plays, books, and music.

One word to describe me is UNPREDICTABLE. I'm like the weather. I want you to know that these are all about me however I didn't include every bits and pieces of information about me cause I want to leave something for myself. And if I included them all here, surely, we'll be all bored and disinterested. This just proves that people may know me but I know myself better. Pretty sure, some of you will raise their eyebrows but remember people, I'm not trying to please you. 


  1. psshhhhh ate si chelsea toh

  2. Yes Chelsea.. You have your name. :) Dito mo lagay mga ginagawa mong story.
