Infamous Leiram

Hi, I’m Gian Mariel. I’m from the beautiful land of Tarlac, Philippines. Really, I'm strange (stranger and stranger). I don't care about people who don’t like me. ‘Cause really, it is their problem and not mine. I'm not really that of a straight forward person so I find difficulty in dealing with people but one thing is for sure, I won't change myself just to please others because that isn't what my life is for.

I like the color of purple, black, brown and white. I’m all about romantic movies, books and other things like that. I love learning new things. I don‘t go with people who I know won’t understand the real me. I am really shy to new people but loud with the people I know real well like my close friends.

Many times, I can’t give advice but you can always count on me. I can cry, laugh, joke and live with you. I learned in my English subject (when I was in Fourth Year) that I should seize the day, travel the road less traveled by and that I am the MASTER OF MY FATE and the CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL. Love yourself for who you are because no one in this planet is exactly like you, you are a limited edition and no one can ever replace you. Well, being a top student is not my thing but I can assure you, I will do my best in everything I do. I can’t last a day without tasting sugar, surfing the net, eating food that I crave and SEEING MY CRUSH. :)

Not so perfect. But at the end of the day, who does?

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